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Poonhill (3,210 meter) is famous for its himalayan ranges, sunrise and sunset viewing. From the hill one can observe long range of himalayas including Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, Machhapuchhare (Fishtail). The sight of the rising sun kissing the mountain through its golden light rays is enthralling.

In the hill, a tower has been erected in memory of Major Tek Bahadur Pun. Other than that there are no physical structures. No hotel or lodge. In the morning tea and coffee is served in the hill. There are hotels down in the base camp Ghodepani bazzar to stay. There are about 50 houses in Ghodepani bazzar (2,874 meter). Beautiful houses with coated metal roofing. There are hotels and restaurants in almost every house. Clean hotels with cold-hot water facilities, where food varieties from dalbhat to pizza are served.

Early in the morning the tourists trek uphill  from Ghodepani and reach Poon Hill within an hour. After viewing the Himalayas from the hill, some return through Ulleri while others return through Ghandruk. Now that the Karbakeli foot trail has been explored, the tourists can reach down to Beni through Karbakeli Than by travelling to Phulbari from the hill.

Natural beauty, Pun-culture and kind hospitality are the specialties of Karbakeli Eco-Trek.


पुनहिल (३,२१० मिटर) हिमाली सृङ्खला, सूर्योदय र सूर्यास्त अवलोकन गर्न प्रख्यात छ । डाँडाबाट धौलागिरि, अन्नपूर्ण, माछापुच्छे« लगायत हिमालको लामो लर्कन देखिन्छ । सूर्योदय हुँदा घामका सुनौला किरणले हिमाललाई म्वाइँ खाएको दृश्य चित्ताकर्षक हुन्छ । 

डाँडामा मेजर टेकबहादुर पुनको स्मृतिमा टावर बनाइएको छ । त्यस बाहेक त्यहाँ कुनै भौतिक संरचना छैन । होटल तथा लज छैन । बिहानीपख डाँडामै चिया र कफी भने पाइन्छ । बास बस्न तल बेस क्याम्प घोडेपानी बजारमा होटल छन् । 

घोडेपानी (२,८७४ मिटर) मा करिब ५० घर छन् । रंगीन जस्तापाताले छाएका सुन्दर घर । घरघरै जसो होटल तथा रेष्टुँरा छन् । चिसो–तातो पानी सुविधासहितका सफा होटल जहाँ दालभातदेखि पिज्जासम्म पाक्छ । 

पर्यटक बिहानै घोडेपानीबाट उकालो लाग्छन्, १ घन्टा लाग्छ पुनहिल पुग्न । डाँडाबाट हिमालय दर्शन पछि 

कोही उल्लेरी हुँदै फर्किन्छन् त कोही घान्द्रुक हुँदै । अब करबाकेली पदमार्ग एक्सप्लोर भैसकेको अबस्थामा पर्यटकहरु डाँडाबाट फूलबारी हुँदै करबाकेली थान भएर पनि बेनी झर्न सक्छन् ।